Towards the north-east of Trashigang town just about 19KM drive will reach the centre of Samkhar Gewog Administration just above Luntenzampa highway which was located in the midst of the Bikhar village. The Gewog Administration shares its border with Kanglung and Khaling to the south, Shongphu to the north and Barthsam and Yangyer to the west. Samkhar Gewog is one of the largest Gewog under Trashigang Dzongkhag consisting of 6 major chewogs and 62 villages and it also includes Trashigang Throm and Dzongkhag Administration.
The altitude range of the Gewog was 900m from the sea level where the climatic condition is mostly moderate in the summer and cold in the winter. It also receives heavy continuous rainfall during summer.
Samkhar Gewog has a total area of 90.1 square kilometer with 84.25% is under forest coverage and 15.75% of land is utilized mainly for Chimsa, Chuzhing, Kamzhing, Pangzhing, Tsheri, Tsesa, Open grazing land, Developed pasture, Orchard and for Sokshing. The Gewog has about 630 households including Trashigang Throm with a population of approximately 6350+. The 6 major chewogs namely Rangshikhar, Pam, Samkhar, Khapti, Bikhar and Yenangbrangsa are all populated with more than 60+ household and over 1000 population. The main concern for the Gewog Administration and also to all the general public is that public of Samkhar, Rangshikhar and Pam had a very difficult time in availing any kind of service from the geog as it has been located far from their chewog.
The people of this Gewog mainly rely on the agriculture product like paddy, maize, potato and mandarin which are infect surplus. Other agriculture products like radish, beans and cabbage are also produced in large quantities. Paddy is followed by wheat in wetlands in some villages. Dry land is dominated by maize and potato. Pam area is known for spring potato production and Samkhar village is prominent for special local corn flake “Tengma” production. Nowadays most of the people of this geog are all highly interested in commercial dairy production because of the establishment of milk processing unit at Chennary, Trashigang. With the increase of dairy groups the number of Bio-gas plant construction is also increasing in the geog.
The total length of 65 km farm road connects all the villages under this Gewog with a minimum of only 5 minutes walk from the nearest road point. Government has ranked the construction of road as the top priority and invested huge amount of budget as the road is the only source of development.
Government has approved a total budget of 30.845M for 11th FYP mainly for capital work of which 21.687M aggregate to 70.3% has been already utilized for three financial years. The Government also has approved Nu. 12.384M for the financial year 2016-17 which is ongoing. So in brief Samkhar Gewog has been equipped with 100% of RWSS coverage, Mobile network coverage both T & B is 99.90% and 100% electricity coverage.
No institutions in this Gewog.

Samkhar Gup

Ngawang Gyeltshen
Samkhar Mangmi

Deki Wangmo
Samkhar, Rangshikhar-Serdang Chiwog Tshogpa

Druptho Dorji
Samkhar, Kapti-Lungtenzampa Tshogpa

Galay Wangchuk
Samkhar, Chhagzam-Pam Tshogpa

Tsogpa, Bikhar-Domkhar Chiwog

Thinley Namgay
Samkhar, Melphel-Samkhar Chiwog Tshogpa

Jigme Tenzin
Samkhar, Kapang-Yenangdrangsa Chiwog Tshogpa

Chorten Wangchuk
Samkhar, Agriculture Extension Officer

Pema Mashok
Samkhar, Livestock Extension Officer

Karma Tenzin
Samkhar, Forest Ranger I

Tshering Dekar
Samkhar, Gewog Administrative Officer
No tourist destinations in this Gewog.
Contact us
Dzongkhag Administration
Trashigang, Bhutan -
+975 04521387 -