
The Kanglung Geog has an area of 63.30 sq. km and is located in the North of Khaling, North-East of Uzorong, South-West of Samkhar and has a border with Dremitse Geog of Mongar Dzongkhag. Kanglung Geog has 9 Major Villages called Chewog, which further sub-divided into minor villages with minimum households of 1 to 2 and goes up to the maximum of 20 to 30 households.

Kanglung Gewog lies on the lateral route of the Trashigang- Samdrup Jongkhar Highway and it is located 22 kms away from Trashigang Dzongkhag. The Kanglung Gewog has an area of 63.32 sq. km and is located in the North of Khaling, North-East of Udzorong, South-West of Samkhar and has a border with Dremitse Gewog of Mongar Dzongkhag. The Gewog has a temperate climate with warm summers and cold winters. Gewog landscape is mostly mountainous terrain; however, proper Kanglung is on a gentle slope. The soil is acidic in nature. The highest altitude recorded in the Gewog is 3700 meters approximately and the lowest altitude recorded is 550 metres approximately above sea level.

Kanglung Gewog has 5 Major Villages called Chiwog, which are further subdivided into minor villages with minimum households of 1 to 2 and go up to a maximum of 20 to 30 households. The people of this Gewog speak Tshangla (Sharchop). The Gewog Tshogde (GT) is the main institutional body of the Gewog and has 7 GT members. GT is chaired by the Gup (Block Headman), Mangmi (Block Representative) as Deputy Chairman, Tshogpa (Village Representative) as members and Gewog Administrative Officer and other Civil Servants as observers.

The Gewog has one airport at Yonphula which provide us with better service facilities benefitting the people of our country. The Gewog also has a good business opportunity in the future and presently the Gewog itself has 120 Shops. The Gewog has 1 10 bedded hospital and one IMTRAT hospital which provides medical villages to the public on daily basis. The Gewog is fully electrified by June 2010, and none of the village is left without electricity. In the field of Information and Communication, almost all the villages are connected with telephone and mobile services. The Gewog has one Post office and BDBL, BNBL where it delivers postal and banking services to the public. The Gewog is access to the media with the establishment of Kuensel Regional Office in 2006. The Gewog has one TV subscriber connecting most of the villages by providing daily news and updating information to the public.

The people out here depend mostly on Agriculture and Livestock farming.

Kanglung Geographic Location

Kanglung is located in Eastern Bhutan

•           Kanglung is located at latitude 27:16: 6 degrees North; longitude: 91:31:20 degrees East.

•           Kanglung is located 22 kilometers south of and above Trashigang Town within the Trashigang Dzongkhag (District). 

•           Kanglung’s elevation above sea level is ± 1,930 meters (± 6,350 feet).  This compares with Trashigang Town’s elevation of ± 1,070 meters (± 3,510 feet).

•           Kanglung is high on the ridge overlooking the Gamri Chhu (River), on a downward slope facing the northwest.

Gewog Profile Kanglung Gewog 2023

Population and land use

Area(Sq Km)          63.32sq.km

Km from Dzongkhag head Quarter to Gewog center   22km

Population Figure Total           5459

Male           3184

Female       3159

population Dencity ( per Sq Km)          86.2

Administrative units

Gewog Center           1

Chiwogs                     5

No of villages             9

No of Gongtong/Khangtong          118

RNR Center

RNR Center           1

Range office          1

Piggery Farm         1

Poultry farm           3

Milk Processing unit           2

Active/ registered Farmers Group      6

No of community forestry     3

No of Farm Road                 27

Length of farm Road in Kms        80.355

No of electric fencing           7

length of electric fencing in Kms     4.204km

No functional of Irrigation channel  19

length of functional Irrigation channel      23.76

Health Center

Hospital           1

No of BHU 1    0

No of BHU 11  0

ORC with shade           3


Higher secondary school           1

Middle secondary school            0

Lower secondary school             1

Primary school                            3

Extended classroom                   0

Non formal education center  (NFE)  2

Early Child Development  Center(ECCD)  6

Religion and Culture

No of community own Lhakhang    4

No of Government Lhakhang          2

No of Private own Lhakhang           4

No of chortens                                 111


Total number of motorable bridge     2

Total number of Non-motorable bridge  0

Demography by chewog wise

Sl No      Chewog name                  Male      Female      Total

1         Pangthang _Risangdoong     260        284              544

2         Maanthong                             409        368              777

3         Mertsham_Thragom               337        325              662

4         Yonphula                                 656        465              1121

5         Rongthung_shingchhen          504        485               989

All chewog                                                                           4093 

Kinzang Dorji
Kanglung Gup

Pema Wangdi
Kanglung Mangmi

Kanglung, Thragom Tshogpa

Langa Dorji
Kanglung, Yonphula Tshogpa

Kanglung, Manthung Tshogpa

Ngawang Choden
Kanglung, Ritshangdung Tshogpa

Karma Yangdon
Kanglung,Rongthung-Singchen Goenpa Tshogpa

Tshering Norbu
Livestock Extension Supervisor, Kanglung

Namgay Wangchu
Sr. Forest Ranger III

Rinchen Wangdi
Sr. Forest Ranger

Sr. Forest Ranger II

Forest Ranger I

Forest Ranger I

Cheki Wangmo
Kanglung, Community Sales Executive

Kanglung, Gewog Driver

Ngagi Tshering
Kanglung, Gewog Caretaker

Yonphula Domestic Airport

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